Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Making The Most Out of Your Workout

So how many of you give 100% each time you come to class? Before you pull your stroller out of the car are you preparing yourself for your workout? I know your baby might be screaming or your toddler is yelling for his juice. But if your not in the zone you must learn to find it. As a mom we do everything for everyone else first. We wake up, change diapers, feed the munchkins, get them dressed, wipe their noses and hopefully have time to dress ourselves before we leave the house. I think we all spend many hours obsessing over all of the little details in our life that we forget about our needs. So now I'm challenging you to forget about everything else when you come to class. Forget the laundry, forget the long grocery list waiting for you on the fridge and for one hour make yourself top priority. Remember all of those duties will see still be there when you get home. I promise. You are so lucky you get to spend time with your child but also devote one hour to your mind, body and spirit. Making time for yourself has to be top priority on your list. If you keep a planner schedule your Stroller Strides classes just as you would a lunch date or business meeting and don't cancel. If you don't have your health you can't do all of those other things in life. One including being a MOM! Don't get me wrong we are all amazing especially great at multi-tasking. I'm just asking you to devote more to yourself. Why? because YOU DESERVE IT! So when you come to class tomorrow or the next day before you get out of your car repeat to yourself "I'm a great mom", "I'm doing the best I can" and "I deserve to take care of myself first." Finally I want you to repeat 3x "I'm going to give 100% today. " In the end your workout will be enhanced by your attitude but show even more when your sporting around a fit mama body!

Cheers To Motherhood And Healthy Living!

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